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    2012 ADCI Request for Comments: Introduction to Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations – 6th Edition 2012 Annual Review There is no group of divers on earth more International then us.

I have started making my suggestion for change to the ADC INTERNATIONAL CONSENSUS STANDARDS. You can do so here https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QLSXSHV

This is also published in the Safety Ideas and Concerns Forum and will be updated as I make more suggestions. Minimum Personnel Requirements

• One air-diving supervisor.

• One diver.

• One tender/diver who shall be properly equipped and capable of performing the duties of a standby dive.

The Following from ADCI Revision 6, your own rules, negates any possibility of a three man dive team.

NOTE: EACH WORKING DIVER MUST BE CONTINOUSLY TENDED BY A SEPARATE DIVE TEAM MEMBER. (From notes 4.3 SURFACE-SUPPLIED AIR DIVING) One diver trying to rescue another is in fact a WORKING Diver, one man cannot tend them both.



(bullet point 17 in the list)

• Ensure that each diver is continuously tended while in the water.


At least one member of every dive team shall be designated the standby diver and should be suitably prepared to enter the water when directed by the diving supervisor. Prior to commencement of the operation, the standby diver’s equipment shall be fully verified as functioning correctly and thereafter maintained in that condition until completion of the dive. Should the standby diver be required to enter the water, a surface check shall be completed to ensure proper breathing gas supply, bailout function and effective communications before the diver leaves the surface. The standby diver shall utilize the same mode and level of equipment as the primary diver.

(On a three man dive team your listed requirements above cannot be carried out! Please arrange for demonstration on how the checks required prior to jumping the standby diver are done. One person tending two divers in the water leaves no one to keep two bottom times, operate two dive radios, or even switch air supply if needed. Let alone get assistance in an emergency situation)


1. A qualified person shall be designated in charge of each diving operation. The responsibilities of such designated persons should include job planning, coordination, record keeping and proper response to any job-related emergency, as well as knowledge of the appropriate governmental regulatory agency regulation.

(Remove the word should and replace with shall. Should means maybe, it might happen. Shall means it has the force of law or rule. Plus add the following as a requirement.)

  • Must physically run each dive undertaken on his shift and may only be relieved by a qualified Dive Supervisor.

View attachment: RoatADCI Rev6.pdf

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I would like the safety spokes person from the ADC to demonstrate the proper procedure for lifting an injured diver from the water with only 2 men on deck. I have yet to see this explained away, and never seen it happen. When men not machines are put in front of profit, life underwater will improve. The fact that Divers are given a voice via direct contact with the USCG, and USACE will help us better defend ourselves against pirates ( the ADC). Young divers do unknowingly what they see other divers do. When we teach them they will follow when we decide to walk rather than risk injury or death. It is our responsibility as Divers to comment when asked, to SIGN complaints with the USCG, when asked to stand up and make the difference many have cried for while others kept their heads down. Thanks John for this site, and the effort of the Sr Admin at the Divers Association. Without your voice the silence would be deafening.

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"Consensus is the Absence of Leadership"

"Ah consensus … the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner 'I stand for consensus'?"

- Margaret Thatcher

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As I have posted several time at other sites;

"For ALL Commercial surface-supplied air diving with one diver in the water requires a minimum of five dive-team members: a DPIC (see 29 CFR 1910.410), a diver{the working diver] "who shall be continuously tended [by a tender other than the DPIC] while in the water" (see 29 CFR 1910.425(1)), a standby diver{dressed, equipped and ready to enter] "who shall be continuously tended [by a tender other than the DPIC or the tender for the working diver] while in the water" However, based on the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.421(d) Planning and assessment, the hazard analysis and assessment of the dive will dictate the use of additional personal when underwater conditions and hazards or potential hazards involve: proximity to an underwater suction, no free access to the surface, the possibility of diver entanglement or entrapment, or unknown bottom conditions."

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There needs to be a radical change in the management personnel at the ADCI otherwise the BS culture will persist! A 5 man team is SIMPLE COMMON-SENSE BASED ON SIMPLE MATHEMATICS! I suspect that power politics have mired the ADCI in a position of Staus Quo. Time to move over Mr.Saxon with your sidekicks and allow managers with safety as a priority in mind to take your place!

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